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Showing posts from November, 2017

Vintage Shopping: Why Go Back In Time?

Vintage Shopping: Why Go Back In Time?  Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting MarMar's Place Blog.  Today, I want to discuss vintage shopping. Why go back in time for wares from the olden days when we have so much new modernization everywhere? Well, in my opinion, modernization has not always been my "friend", so to speak. For example, when you go to the bathroom at a store, you put your hand in front of the faucet sensor (usually located under the faucet) and a small bit of water starts flowing for a short period. If you are like me, and really want to wash your hands, you have to be quick on the draw to achieve success after several minutes of anguish.  Vintage faucets have knobs that you turn and the water stays on until you shut it off. Clean hands are achieved in less time with a greater threat for germs because of handling the knobs. I get it but I grew up with those faucets, still have them today, and I'm fine with that and the cleaning involv